Isla Mujeres

Getting Around Cancun the Green Way

Getting Around Cancun the Green Way

Eco-Friendly Transportation Choices 🌴🚌🚴‍♀️ Cancun is a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful beaches, turquoise waters, and vibrant nightlife. However, the city is also making strides to become more sustainable and eco-friendly. One way that Cancun is doing this is by promoting eco-friendly transportation options. Here are a few of the best ways to…

Fun for the Whole Family: Eco-Friendly Activities to Enjoy in Cancun

Fun for the Whole Family: Eco-Friendly Activities to Enjoy in Cancun

🌿Let’s explore some of Cancun’s eco-friendly family activities that promise fun for the whole family! 1. Exploring the Underwater Museum 🐠 One of Cancun’s most unique attractions is the Underwater Museum of Art (MUSA). Families can dive or snorkel among over 500 life-sized sculptures submerged beneath the sea. These sculptures act as artificial reefs, promoting…